MindCo uses creative, complex & dynamic PLAY-innovation, combined with group-Interaction and FUN, for continued professional development for CHAMPIONS of the 21st Century workplace: the 4th Industrial Revolution.
The program’s game component is social, non-threatening and FUN, taking participants out of their comfort zones while activating situational learning. These lessons are then contextualised into the specific workspace to initiate the next steps and purposeful growth forward.
Qualifications and experience are no longer good enough if you want to thrive in the new fast-changing world economy – growing more complex continuously and machines becoming the workforce of the future…
The HUMAN value-add to technology in the workplace will become the X-FACTOR for success in the AIR!
We are very excited that our BRAND NEW website will be launching soon! We do however want you to keep in touch, so please fill in the below contact form to subscribe to our database whereafter we will contact you back, or feel free to send an email to info@mindco.co.za.